Formatting Guidelines

The journal accepts only electronic submissions. The manuscript should be submitted as a word processing file in one of the following formats: *.doc, *.rtf or *.odt. If the prepared manuscript includes a considerable quantity of formulas, it is recommended to submit it as a *.pdf file. The original LaTeX file would be required for accepted submissions which were prepared using LaTeX but sent in *.pdf format.

The text limits for different types of submissions are outlined on the “Types of Submissions” page. The number of characters should be counted with spaces, not including the title, author contacts, affiliations, abstract, figure captions, and references.

The submission should include an abstract, information about the authors and a list of keywords. The abstract is limited to 100 to 250 words, and there should be no less than 5 and no more than 12 keywords per article. Author information includes first and last names, academic affiliations and an e-mail address for each author. The last name of the corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (John Smith*) and a mailing address must be provided.

All this information as well as the manuscript title should be submitted in both English and Russian, regardless of the main language of the submission, and should appear on the first page of the submission right after the title. Authors who submit in English and do not speak Russian may indicate this in the cover letter to obtain assistance with the translation.

In general, text formatting should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines (

Text accents with italics and bold font are accepted, but underlined text is not. Headers are usually not numbered.

Fractional parts of numbers should be separated by a period in both English and Russian. This is a violation of the norms of the Russian language, however it makes an academic text more comprehensible (for example, when enlisting several fractions separated by commas) and helps to preserve the conventions.

Tables and Figures

All tables should have captions which include at least the table number and a title. Every table should be referenced in the text. The final draft in word processing format should not contain any tables inserted as images.

Figures should also be numbered and have captions. Figure captions should include enough details so that the reader is able to get an idea of the depicted results. The figure captions should be submitted as text (and not as a part of a graphic file).

Any tables and figures should be placed at the end of the file with the paper, each on a separate page. Only references to a figure or table should be placed in the text. For example:

Fig. 1 about here

Placement of the figures and tables in the text (which is a violation of the APA style) is accepted if submitting a manuscript as a *.pdf file (see above).

Upon acceptance, the final revision of the article should be accompanied by separate graphic files for each figure in *.tiff or *.eps format and high resolution: at least 300 dpi for photographs, 600 dpi for photographs with text overlays, and 800 dpi for drawings (lines and text only, no halftones).

Figures may be either black-and-white or colored. When using color coding, try to use high contrast colors so that the coding is visible for the readers who would print the paper on a black-and-white printer.

Citations and References

For papers in English, in-text citations are styled as (Author, Year) according to the APA style. For example: (Smith, 2010; Jonson & Doe, 2011; Wolf et al., 2012). When a work with five or fewer authors is first mentioned in the text, all authors must be listed, for example, (Smith, Johnson, Doe, Wolf, & Peters, 2010); for six or more authors, only the first author is indicated followed by “et al.” (Peters et al., 2010). When a paper with more than two authors is repeatedly mentioned in the text, the first author and “et al.” is used. When a work of two authors is referenced, both authors are always mentioned (Johnson & Doe, 2011). For papers in Russian, (Author, Year) in-text citations should be used as well, but they should be styled according to the Russian GOST standard.

The reference list may be formatted either in APA-6 style (see an example), or in Russian GOST style (GOST Р 7.0.5-2008). If the source has a DOI identifier, it should be indicated. When the reference list includes references in both Cyrillic and Latin scripts, references in Cyrillic should precede the references in Latin. In the reference list, all author names are listed for each source (although this is a deviation from the APA style).

Each source in the reference list should be cited in the text, and each source cited in the text should be indicated in the reference list.

ISSN 2313-4518
Russian mass media certificate: ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 57220